Monday, April 25, 2016


If you ONLY studied the Scriptures from our Spoken Word Bible Study Plan for today, and nothing else, you would have more than enough knowledge, understanding, Wisdom, guidance and direction to be MORE THAN A CONQUEROR in every area of your life! IF you put it into practice that is! There are many little "keys" that we find in our study of Scripture that reveal just how to be able to walk in the Truth that is found in the Word! Here are a few! Psalm 115:2:

But our God is in heaven; He does whatever He pleases.

Remember that pour God is Sovereign! SOME people believe that this means God changes His mind often to DO whatever He wants to do on any given day. NO, this means that HE set things up the way HE chose, and then revealed it all in His Word! He will NOT do ANYTHING contrary to His own Word! AMEN! He DID what He pleased, and that was to love us, provide for us, deliver us, heal us, favor us, lead us, bless us AND make all of these things available to, and ONLY to, WHOSOEVER WILL! He give US the choice, and then He abides by OUR choice! We can see this in verses 12-13:
12 The Lord has been mindful of us, He will bless us: He will bless the house of Israel, He will bless the house of Aaron [the priesthood], 13 He will bless those who reverently and worshipfully fear the Lord, both small and great.

Is there any reason why YOU cannot make the choice to become HIS? Find out how to do this on our website, through the link on the left! Another key is found in verse 16:

16 The heavens are the Lord’s heavens, but the earth has He given to the children of men.

HE has given US to have dominion on the earth! If WE don't do something about what is going on here, He WILL NOT! He CANNOT, because it would mean taking back what He has already given to us! But we CAN invite Him to get involved and to move on our behalf! Look at 2 Chronicles 7:14:

14 If My people, who are called by My name, shall humble themselves, pray, seek, crave,and require of necessity My face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven, forgive their sin, and heal their land.

AMEN! Let's DO this, and then CONTINUE to do so! Another key to our growth in the things of God is found in 1 Corinthians 3:1-3:
However, brethren, I could not talk to you as to spiritual [men], but as to nonspiritual [men of the flesh, in whom the carnal nature predominates], as to mere infants [in the new life] in Christ [unable to talk yet!] I fed you with milk, not solid food, for you were not yet strong enough [to be ready for it]; but even yet you are not strong enough [to be ready for it], For you are still [unspiritual, having the nature] of the flesh [under the control of ordinary impulses]. For as long as [there are] envying and jealousy and wrangling and factions among you, are you not unspiritual and of the flesh, behaving yourselves after a human standard and like mere (unchanged) men?

In order to receive fresh illumination of the Truths in the Word of God, we must be continually meditating on, learning from and then OBEYING what we see and hear! Here is the how, from Joshua 1:8:

This Book of the Law shall not depart out of your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, that you may observe and do according to all that is written in it. For then you shall make your way prosperous, and then you shall deal wisely and have good success.

When we continue in His Word, we will begin to SEE things more clearly! When we DO see, then we must put what we are learning, hearing and seeing into practice! This is called OBEDIENCE! These are not just some "feel good" suggestions, but these are vital things that Holy Spirit is, and will continue, to reveal to every teachable born again believer! Are YOU ready? Then let's begin this study and meditation and action formula and continue this method in every area of our lives! AMEN! Here is HillsongUnited with "A Million Suns":

Shalom in Him!