Monday, May 14, 2012


2 Corinthians 2:2 says this:

   2For He says, In the time of favor (of an assured welcome) I have listened to and heeded your call, and I have helped you on the day of deliverance (the day of salvation). Behold, now is truly the time for a gracious welcome and acceptance [of you from God]; behold, now is the day of salvation!

"Salvation" here is the Greek word "soterias". Strong's Concordance says: rescue or safety. Thayer's Greek Lexicon says: deliverance, preservation, safety, salvation. The word "now" is the Greek word "nun". According to Thayer's Greek Lexicon: a) so used that by the thing which is now said to be or to be done the present time as opposed to past time. b) opposed to future time. c) Sometimes "nun" with the present is used of what will occur forthwith or soon, d) with the imperative it often marks the proper or fit time for doing a thing

So we can be completely assured that the One, True, Most High, Living, Almighty God of Bible wants us delivered, rescued, safe and sound NOW! At this very moment in time! We KNOW that tests, trials and temptations WILL come, BUT, He has promised to deliver us out of them ALL (2 Timothy 3:11; Ephesians 6:9)! We see here that He desires for that to happen NOW! So what is keeping the manifestation from appearing? One thing we DO know, it's NOT God! Amen! Now we are in position to seek the Holy Spirit for wisdom on what WE must do to get in position to receive and to STAY in that position! Amen! Here to help you do that is Hillsong with "Salvation Is Here":

Shalom in Him!