Friday, December 13, 2013


I really like this message in today's "Pursuit of His Presence" by Kenneth and Gloria Copeland:

Operate in Full Power

“Oh, God, I need more power! Please...please...please give me more power, Lord!”
Have you ever prayed like that? I have. In fact, years ago I was praying along those lines, earnestly beseeching God to give me greater power to minister. It was a fine, very spiritual-sounding prayer. But the Lord interrupted me right in the middle of it.
"Kenneth, He said, where would I go to get you more power?"
The question stopped me cold.
No one has more power than I do, He continued. And I’ve already filled you with My Spirit. I’ve put within you the same miraculous force that created heaven and earth, the same supernatural strength that raised Jesus from the dead. Where am I going to go to find something greater than that?
The point was clear. As born-again, Holy Spirit-filled believers, you and I don’t need more power. We simply need to more fully release what we’ve already been given. We need to allow the Spirit of God within us to flow through us in greater measure.
If we’re not seeing miracles in our lives and ministries, it isn’t God’s fault. He isn’t the one limiting us. We are!

In order to fully operate in all that power that God has provided for us as born again believers, we must KNOW and understand the power! Paul's declaration in Philippians 3:10a shows how to BEGIN to walk in the power of God! 

10 [For my determined purpose is] that I may know Him [that I may progressively become more deeply and intimately acquainted with Him, perceiving and recognizing and understanding the wonders of His Person more strongly and more clearly], and that I may in that same way come to know the power outflowing from His resurrection AMP

"In that same way" means that we will get to know and understand the power available to us because of His death, burial and resurrection at the same time, and in the same way,  that we are getting to know HIM more and more every day! PROGRESSIVELY is what the Amplified Bible says! Seek to know HIM and the power will come! AMEN! Here is Hillsong with an older song called "Great In Power":

Shalom in  Him!