Sunday, December 15, 2013


Proverbs 16:7 is a verse that every born again believer should take to heart and count on! 

When a man's ways please the Lord, He makes even his enemies to be at peace with him.

"Ways" is the Hebrew word "derek", which means: a course of life or mode of action, manner, moral character. When we spend time in His Word and in His presence, then we will begin to think, speak and act like HIM! THAT is when we will see the results of this promise active in our lives! What is the promise? That even our enemies will be at peace with us! "Peace" here is the Hebrew word "shalam". It means: to be safe, to be friendly, to make peace, to be uninjured. Notice that when WE please Him by our obedience to His Word and His Spirit, then He MAKES our enemies to be at peace with us! I believe that they have no choice in the matter at this point! Our responsibility is to do OUR part and let GOD do HIS! AMEN! What a relief THAT is! Here is Hillsong with a Christmas song I enjoy called "It's Christmas":

Shalom in Him!