Monday, March 30, 2015


Today I want to share the devotional from The Spoken Word Church website (link on the left). This is such an important lesson, for young people AND for older ones! 

Define the True Contribution of Every Friendship

Each person in your life is a current. This current is taking you toward your goals or away from them.

 The worth of any friendship can be measured by its contribution to God's assignment to your life. He who does not increase you inevitably will decrease you.

"Be not deceived: evil communications corrupt good manners." (1 Corinthians 15:33)

One of the most important things that we can do as "Ministers of Reconciliation" is to have our lives reflect the life and love of Jesus. We MUST look different from the rest of the world in these respects. We are told to do THIS in 1 Peter 3:15:

15 But in your hearts set Christ apart as holy [and acknowledge Him] as Lord. Always be ready to give a logical defense to anyone who asks you to account for the hope that is in you, but do it courteously and respectfully.

How will ANYONE ask us about the hope that is in us if they don't SEE something in us that looks different from the world? One of the confessions that we make at The Spoken Word Church is:

Time spent in praise and worship is time with my Heavenly Father. Time spent in the Word of God is time with Jesus. Time spent in prayer is time with Holy Spirit. Time spent with like-minded believers is time well spent!

Make sure that MOST of your time is spent with like-minded believers, even if that means phone calls and messaging. That way, when we ARE in the presence of unbelievers, we will HAVE something to share with them that they can't find anywhere else! AMEN! Here is Hillsong United with "Rhythms of Grace", which is what our lives are supposed to reflect! 

Shalom in Him!