Monday, March 2, 2015


Today we read again the account of the woman with the issue of blood Mark 5:25-28:
25 And there was a woman who had had a flow of blood for twelve years, 26 And who had endured much suffering under [the hands of] many physicians and had spent all that she had, and was no better but instead grew worse. 27 She had heard the reports concerning Jesus, and she came up behind Him in the throng and touched His garment, 28 For she kept saying, If I only touch His garments, I shall be restored to health.

Notice these things about this brave woman!

  1. She had been suffering with this ailment for 12 years.
  2. Nothing the physicians tried had worked.
  3. She had spent all of her resources.
  4. She was considered "unclean" and was not supposed to be in this crowd of people. 
  5. She had "heard" the reports, the testimonies, of all that Jesus had done for others. (Faith COMES by hearing!)
  6. She kept saying to herself (again, faith comes by hearing!)
Her desperation caused her to forget what others may think or say. She went hard after what she KNEW that Jesus would do for her! Now notice what her results were! Verses 29-34:

29 And immediately her flow of blood was dried up at the source, and [suddenly] she felt in her body that she was healed of her [distressing] ailment. 30 And Jesus, recognizing in Himself that the power proceeding from Him had gone forth, turned around immediately in the crowd and said, Who touched My clothes? 31 And the disciples kept saying to Him, You see the crowd pressing hard around You from all sides, and You ask, Who touched Me? 32 Still He kept looking around to see her who had done it. 33 But the woman, knowing what had been done for her, though alarmed and frightened and trembling, fell down before Him and told Him the whole truth. 34 And He said to her, Daughter, your faith (your trust and confidence in Me, springing from faith in God) has restored you to health. Go in (into) peace and be continually healed and freed from your [distressing bodily] disease.

I am sharing this to say this: In our area many people have died in the almost 33 years that we have been a church. Our Pastor and other members of the church have made known that we believe in, have walked in, and are willing to minister and teach concerning divine healing and health. Our Pastor has shared this with all of the Pastors of all of the other churches. In that time we have not buried even one active member of The Spoken Word Church! Yet, there has been no desperation on the part of the ill and dying to get to where they could be prayed for and taught. Amazing and very sad, don't you think? The next time someone asks you why a good God would allow people to die in sickness and disease, tell them that the choice is ALWAYS theirs! HE has provided and THEY have ignored! What should WE do? Simply keep praying in the Spirit, preaching the Gospel, sharing the Word, inviting the people and believing for the best! AMEN! Here is our anthem of who we are and what we are willing to do! Hillsong with "Children of the Light":

Shalom in Him!