Sunday, February 27, 2011


Exodus 25-26 contain the instructions for building the Tabernacle in the Wilderness. The LORD gave Moses some very precise and specific details for each item to be built for the place where God would reside with them. Below is a picture of a model of the Tabernacle with the various layers. It describes one layer as badger skin, but I agree with some scholars who say that badgers are pretty scarce in the Middle East. One translation says goat skins, which would be abundant, and another says porpoise or dolphin skin. Both would have been readily available, goats on land and dolphins from the Red Sea! 

I am getting a little ahead with these next pictures, but I thought you might like to see what the Israelite camp may have looked like, with the group divided by tribes! The first is a kind of diagram and the second is an artists rendition!

Remember that God is ALWAYS a God of order! Everything that He has ever done has been a plan in His mind first, then He spoke it out and those who WOULD, obeyed! That tells me that He also has a very specific and detailed plan for your life and mine! We need to spend time "waiting" on Him to find out OUR next step! DO IT! You WILL be glad you did, when you hear: "Well done, good and faithful servant"! And I DON'T believe we will have to wait until we get to Heaven to hear it, either! AMEN!

Shalom in Him!