Saturday, January 28, 2017


Today I want to share a follow up to Thursday's "Faith Food" by Kenneth E. Hagin

Act Like It's True

"Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth" (John 17:17). 

The crises of life come to all of us. If you do not know how to act on God's Word when a crisis comes, you will be at a disadvantage. 

No matter what the problem is, God's Word has something to say about it. God's Word has the answer. Find out what the Word says, and act like it's true! 

When someone asks the question, "What in the world are we going to do now?" Just smile and answer, "We're going to act like the Bible is true!" 

Many people mentally agree that the Bible is true, but that's not enough. You must act like the Bible is true! If you know God's Word is true, and you act like it is, then it will become real in your life. You will bring God on the scene in your life! 

Confession: God's Word is truth. I act like God's Word is true. I act like First John 4:4 is true. I act like Matthew 6:25-34 is true. I act like Hebrews 13:5-6 is true. I act like Philippians 4:19 is true. I act like Matthew 8:17 and First Peter 2:24 are true. I act like all the "in Him" scriptures are true. I act like it, and they are a reality in my life! 
Acting like the Word is true does NOT mean to throw away all of your medicine or to drive off with a car that doesn't belong to you! It means to begin to expect the situation to turn in your favor as you continue to meditate and confess that Word over your life. It means to envision yourself with the answer and picture yourself healed and whole, prosperous and in control of your finances, working at that new job, ministering to many people, and so on to whatever it is that YOU are believing God for! The best way to do this is to have a 'vision board' where you can pin up actual, physical pictures of what you are believing for. Fixing your eyes on those every day as you continue to meditate on and declare the Word will cause faith to rise in a more specific way and will also help  you to recognize the answers when they come! I am working on changing my office to accommodate a large vision board and more work space! What can YOU do to increase your faith and envision your victory? Let's GO FOR IT! AMEN! Here is Hillsong with "Running":

Shalom  in Him!