Wednesday, July 6, 2016


With all of my studying today, between our Spoken Word Bible Reading Plan, devotionals, CDs, conversations and other resources, it was the very last one that I looked at that almost jumped off the page at me! THIS is something that I have dealt with, and I know that others have, too! THIS, from Jerry Savelle's website, is key for every born again, Spirit-filled believer to know, understand and recognize in their own lives! THIS Wisdom will enable us to enforce the devil's defeat every time, instead of being dragged down by his persistent attacks! TRUTH! 

Don’t Let the Devil Rejoice Over Your Falls

Micah wrote. “Rejoice not against me, O mine enemy: when I fall, I shall arise; when I sit in darkness, the LORD shall be a light unto me.” Micah 7:8
Do you know what happens when you are waiting on God? You know what I am talking about – when you have been praying and praying, standing and standing, when you are between “Amen and there it is” (waiting on the manifestation of your breakthrough.) Have you ever paid attention to the thoughts you are having? I can tell you what happens. The devil tries to convince you that your breakthrough won’t happen. He tells your deliverance won’t come to pass. He starts putting pressure on you. He tries to tempt you to give up. He whispers negative things in your ears. Why? Because he is waiting for you to quit.
When does your enemy rejoice against you? When you fall. When you make mistakes. When you slip up. When you don’t resist temptation. When you yield to pressure. When you don’t obey God. When you make vows one day and forget them the next. The devil loves it when you fall. You’ve probably heard him ridicule you. You’ve heard him intimidate you. You thought you were really trying to live by faith, but you messed up and the devil started laughing. And he let you know it.
How do you stop Satan’s laughter? How do you stop his rejoicing? You get back up!
Don’t yield to his pressures. Don’t yield to his attacks. Don’t yield to his accusations. He is the father of lies. He can’t even tell the truth. The truth isn’t in him. So don’t believe anything he says. Even if you have made a mistake that doesn’t mean you are a mistake. Your mistake doesn’t change the fact that God has a future and purpose for your life.
If you have messed up, then ask God to forgive you and rise up! Get up, shake yourself off, and move forward in what God has for you! It’s time for you to stand up and shout,
 “Devil, you are not laughing at me anymore. The Word says, Rejoice not against me, O mine enemy: when I fall, I shall arise! So, I’m getting up now. I’m not sitting down in defeat any longer. I am not a quitter. I am not a failure in Jesus Name!”
Amen! I LOVE this! No matter WHAT happens, WE can always get right back up and move on! The devil CANNOT! His future is sealed and it will NOT be changed! SO, the next time you are feeling intimidated by the devil and your own shortcomings, remind yourself of YOUR future, and the devil of HIS! Now THAT is a reason to shout for joy and laugh right out loud! HALLELUJAH! Thank YOU, JESUS! Here is Hillsong Young and Free with "Alive":

Shalom in Him!