Saturday, March 10, 2012


One of the questions we get asked a lot is how to know which way the Lord is leading. Most of us are familiar with John 10:27:

27 My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me:

We know that we are supposed to hear His voice, but what will give us the confidence that it really IS His voice? We must learn to discern the peace and joy! Isaiah 55:12:

12 For you shall go our with joy, and be led forth with peace: the mountains and the hills shall break forth before you into singing, and all the trees of the field shall clap their hands.

THAT is what we counsel those who ask! When we make a decision that is in line with God's will, His plan and His purpose, we will have peace in the center of our being even if NOTHING looks right on the outside! If we make a decision that is NOT in line, there will be NO peace! Something will just not feel right! Brother Kenneth E. Hagin used to say that it was like taking a shower with socks on! Jerry Savelle had something similar in his daily devotional today:

I always go back to this rule about peace that I have - does it produce peace? If it creates confusion, then God didn’t author it. If it creates peace, then God is behind it. That is a rule that has worked for me all these years. God wants you to have peace in every area of your life. He is the author of peace.

So make your decisions, then check immediately on the inside for the peace and joy! if they are there, proceed boldly and confidently! if they are not, then step back, get into His presence and seek further direction! Refuse to be "driven" to make a decision. Remember, the Spirit of God LEADS, He does NOT drive or push and HIS timing is perfect! Amen! Here is "Let The Peace OF God Reign" by Hillsong:

Shalom in Him!