Monday, February 20, 2012


I want to share two things today! The first is from the Spoken Word Bible Reading Plan for today. Exodus is covering the first Passover and the LORD leading His people out of Egypt! Exodus 12:40-42:

40 Now the time the Israelites dwelt in Egypt was 430 years. 41 At the end of the 430 years, even that very day, all the hosts of the LORD went out of Egypt. 42 It was a night of watching unto the LORD and to be much observed for bringing them out of Egypt; this same night of watching unto the LORD is to be observed by all the Israelites throughout their generations.

Did you notice that verse 42 says "EVEN THAT VERY DAY"? Our God is SUCH a God of order! There is not one thing that He has ever done that has not come from His determined decision to do it! And everything He has ever done, and ever WILL do, is so very precise! I am absolutely confident that when we look back on the days of earth, from the perspective of Heaven and eternity, we are going to see that it all worked with infinite precision and detail! GOD is GOD, after all! Amen!

The other thing I wanted to point out comes from Kenneth E. Hagin's Faith Food for Winter. Today's devotional is discussing 1 Corinthians 13:5:  

Love ... is not touchy or fretful or resentful; it takes no account of the evil done to it - pays no attention to a suffered wrong.

WOW! When was the last time that YOU completely ignored a "suffered wrong"? Here is a portion of the devotional:  

".... Love  ... pays no attention to a suffered wrong ...." We might as well admit it - there aren't too many people walking in God's love, even though they have it! No, they're walking in natural human love, and they sure pay attention to a suffered wrong! they get huffy about it. A husband and wife, both Christians, will become angry and won't speak to each other for a week because of some wrong that one of them suffered.

Can't you see how it would straighten things out in the home, the church, and the nation for people to become children of God, get the love of God in them, and then live in the family of God as children of God?  I say - AMEN!!! Here is Hillsong with "Narrow Road":

Shalom in Him!