Monday, November 21, 2011



Psalm 141 is another "Psalm of David" that was written when he faced trouble. I found this breakdown of the verses interesting from the Bible Exposition Commentary. This reveals David's choices on how to respond to each situation:
  • "I will seek the LORD'S help."  --  (verses 1-2)
  • "I will keep myself from sin."  --  (verses 3-4)
  • "I will gladly accept counsel."  --  (verse 5)
  • "I will let God judge my enemies."  --  (verses 6-7)
  • "I will keep going by faith."  --  (verses 8-10)
If we follow David's example here in dealing with our own tests, trials, and problems, then we will be in position for VICTORY, every time!

One of the most exciting things I have learned about the God of the Bible is that He is extremely organized and very precise! I found this in the Bible Exposition Commentary concerning the Gardens in the Bible:

The Kidron Valley is located east of Jerusalem, between the city wall and the Mount of Olives; and the Garden of Gethsemane is on the western slope of Olivet. Jesus often went to this Garden with His disciples, no doubt to rest, meditate, and pray (Luke 22:39). Jerusalem was filled with pilgrims attending the Passover, and Jesus would want to get away from the crowded city to a private place. He knew that Judas would come for Him there, and He was ready.

Human history began in a Garden (Gen 2:8 ff), and the first sin of man was committed in that Garden. The first Adam disobeyed God and was cast out of the Garden, but the Last Adam (1 Cor 15:45) was obedient as He went into the Garden of Gethsemane. In a Garden, the first Adam brought sin and death to mankind; but Jesus, by His obedience, brought righteousness and life to all who will trust Him. He was "obedient unto death, even the death of the cross" (Phil 2:8).

History will one day end in another garden, the heavenly city that John describes in Rev 21 and 22. In that garden, there will be no more death and no more curse. The river of the water of life will flow ceaselessly and the tree of life will produce bountiful fruit. Eden was the Garden of disobedience and sin; Gethsemane was the Garden of obedience and submission; and heaven shall be the eternal garden of delight and satisfaction, to the glory of God.

The name Gethsemane means "oil press." Even today there are ancient olive trees in Gethsemane, though certainly not the ones that were there in Jesus' day. The olives would be picked and put into the press for their oil. What a picture of suffering! So our Lord would go through the "oil press" and the "winepress" (Isa 63:3) and taste our judgment for us.

Though the info concerning the olive press above is very true, not so the info about the olive trees! On out trip to Israel last year we were able to see some olive trees that were over 2000 years old! They were probably there when Jesus and His disciples spent time in the garden. We also saw an olive tree that was over 3000 years old! That was most definitely there when Jesus was there, and was possibly there during the reign of Solomon! It was amazing to see them! Here is a picture:

These ancient olive trees regenerate from the inside out (sort of like a born again believer)! The new sapling grows inside of the old tree and bears fruit! Doesn't THAT sound like our God? Amen! I like verse 6:

6 When Jesus said to them, I am He, they went backwards (drew back, lurched backward) and fell to the ground.

There WILL come a day when every knee will bow, and every tongue confess that JESUS IS LORD! Here they fell backward because of the power of His words, something which involved no choice on their part! THAT day will be the same! Some will bow willingly, because they have already been doing so! Others WILL bow, but NOT because they choose to! They will have no choice in the matter! The time for choosing is NOW! Today is the day of Salvation! JESUS is MY Lord! Amen!

We read Jeremiah 45 and 25 today. Remember that the Spoken Word Bible Reading Plan covers the Bible chronologically (in the order in which events happened). These two chapters actually took place in the same time period!  Jeremiah 45 looks at Baruch, the faithful assistant to Jeremiah. Baruch had a brother who was on the king's official staff and could have found a position for Baruch there. Baruch chose to be obedient to the One, True God and assist Jeremiah. He became discouraged, so the LORD encouraged him! We all face tests and trials that bring the strong urge to give up and quit. DON'T DO IT! Allow the Word of God to encourage you and the Spirit of God to lead, guide, and direct you THROUGH these times and you will emerge from them far stronger than you were before! After all, a crisis cannot "make a person", it simply reveals what a person is made of! What are YOU made of? Jeremiah is someone who never quit, even though the people did not typically respond well to his messages of warning from God! He just continued to be faithful to HIS calling and God always rewards obedience! BE OBEDIENT and BE BLESSED!!! AMEN!

Shalom in Him!