Sunday, April 26, 2015


Psalm 116:15 says this:

15 Precious (important and no light matter) in the sight of the Lord is the death of His saints (His loving ones).

"Precious" here is the Hebrew word "yaqar", which means: brightness, clear, costly, excellent, highly-valued, glorious, splendid, weighty. The God of the Bible delights in welcoming HIS people into the Heaven of the Bible! When you and I have "finished our course", we can be completely assured that HE delights to see US! This is very different from the sentiments that you find on many sympathy cards that say things like: "God just needed another angel, so he took your _______." That is the worst in my book, by far! God does NOT "take" the life from people, He is the GIVER of Life! Yes, He "receives" His own into Heaven when we leave this earth, but WE choose by our life choices when that will be! God has no "set time" for YOU to die! The Psalm of God's protection, provision and safety, Psalm 91, promises this in verse 16:

16 With long life will I satisfy him and show him My salvation.

He desires for us to live long on the earth so that we can be  LIVING witnesses to His glory and His story! We have all of eternity to spend in the Heaven of the Bible! Let's use our LONG LIFE here to reach the lost and bring as many as possible WITH us either in the Rapture, or when we, and they, have fulfilled our calling! Then, we can expect THIS from 2 Peter 1:11:

11 Thus there will be richly and abundantly provided for you entry into the eternal kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

An "abundant entrance"!  A glorious homecoming party! So, let's buy up every opportunity to bring His LIFE to the lost, while there is still time to do so! HE could be coming in the clouds for us at any time! AMEN! Here is Hillsong with "Life":

Shalom in Him!