Sunday, July 19, 2015


Psalm 18:22 describes perfectly the heart of a born again believer who knows and loves the Word of God.

22 For all His ordinances were before me, and I put not away His statutes from me.

This is exactly what many people who claim to be "Christians" have done lately. Entire denominations have  decided that THEY were the new judges of the Word of God! There is not one person, other than Jesus Himself, who has ever perfectly obeyed the entire Word of God, which is why HE gave us 1 John 1:9! WHEN we miss it, we confess that sin and forgiveness is ours, for that sin and all others. What a wonderful promise! Verse 22 above does NOT say that David never missed it. We KNOW that he did! What this verses is saying is that he did NOT discard, dispute or dismiss the Word of God! He did not "put it away" from him! David acknowledged the sovereignty of the One, True God and admitted when he was wrong. Take account of your own life and see if there are any ways in which YOU have put His Word away from you. His Word will NOT pass away - EVER! Treat it as precious and valuable. Treat it as TRUTH (John 17:17). Line up YOUR life around the Word of God and you will experience a peace that you have never known! HE love you! Let's love Him back! AMEN! Here is Hillsong with "Like Incense":

Shalom in Him!