Monday, March 11, 2013


I was reading about Peter today in Mark 14. I have always appreciated Peter's impulsiveness because it made him so much more real to me! I can identify with his enthusiasm and his boldness to want to please the Lord! People have been quick to jump on Peter for his "fumbles", but who of us have ever walked on water? Yes, Peter fell, but before he did, he DID walk on the water, just like Jesus! In Mark 14:29-31, Jesus had just told His disciples that they would all leave him that night. Here is part of the conversation:

29 But Peter said to Him, Even if they all fall away and are caused to stumble and distrust and desert You, yet I will not [do so]! 30 And Jesus said to him, Truly I tell you, this very night, before a cock crows twice, you will utterly deny Me [disclaiming all connection with Me] three times. 31 But [Peter] said more vehemently and repeatedly, [Even] if it should be necessary for me to die with You, I will not deny or disown You! And they all kept saying the same thing.

Peter was VEHEMENT in his declaration that HE would never leave Jesus or deny Him! We all know what happened later! Everyone DID leave Jesus and run for safety. When Peter was recognized as a disciple of Jesus, he did deny Jesus, not once, but three different times! Peter, and all of the disciples, really meant what they said, they just did not have the needed spiritual strength to withstand, AT THAT TIME! Look at what Jesus said in verse 38:

38 Keep awake and watch and pray [constantly], that you may not enter into temptation; the spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak

These disciples were not even born again yet, because Jesus had not yet given His life! Once Jesus rose from the dead and they believed on Him and received the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, they had a fighting chance to stand strong, IF they spent time in His Word! Joshua 1:8 tells us how to have great success at whatever we do in this life! The real boldness, however, didn't come until Peter and the other disciples, including the family of Jesus, were "endued with power from on high" (Luke 24:49) when they received the infilling of the Holy Spirit! Just listen to the boldness of Peter when he preached that day and 300 were saved! (Acts 2) So, is it possible for ME to deny Jesus? I will tell you this, I NEVER plan on finding out! I will continue to immerse myself in the Word of God, pray in the Holy Spirit, fellowship with like-minded believers on a daily basis and spend time daily in thanksgiving, praise and worship! I can also guarantee that if YOU will do the same, you will NEVER deny Him before men, or any other being! AMEN! Here is a brand new song from Hillsong United called "Oceans p (Where Feet May Fail)". It's a longer song, but very powerful!

Shalom in Him!