Wednesday, January 26, 2011


We read Matthew 26 today. Verses 57-58 say this:

57 But those who had seized Jesus took Him away to Caiaphas, the high priest, where the scribes and the elders had assembled. 
58 But Peter followed Him at a distance, as far as the courtyard of the high priest's home; he even went inside and sat with the guards to see the end. 

We saw the remains of what had once been the house of Caiaphas, where Jesus was taken, when we visited Israel. Below are two pictures of the ruins.
Above is a picture of the area they would have held Jesus in temporarily and below is the outside of his house where you can see some of the underground area.
When you read through the Bible, allow the Holy Spirit to paint pictures for you of what these places would have been like. He was there! This will make the Word of God come alive to you! Then, when you get a chance to actually visit the Land, you will be amazed at what all there is to see! It's ALL true! And it's all TRUTH! AMEN!

Shalom in Him!