Thursday, March 7, 2024


We read Psalm 66  in today's Spoken Word Bible Reading Plan. Verses 1-4 really stood out to me!

1 Make a joyful noise unto God, all the earth;
2 Sing forth the honor and glory of His name; make His praise glorious!
3 Say to God, How awesome and fearfully glorious are Your works! Through the greatness of Your power shall Your enemies submit themselves to You [with feigned and reluctant obedience].
4 All the earth shall bow down to You and sing [praises] to You; they shall praise Your name in song. Selah [pause, and calmly think of that]!

I was meditating on just how we can 'make His praise GLORIOUS'!  What came to me so clearly is that it will NEVER be about the outward show or sound, but by the great LOVE, THANKFULNESS, GRATEFULNESS, AWE, ESTEEM, HONOR and the overwhelming AWARENESS of WHO HE IS to us! WHen WE have THAT flowing from the center of our being to HIM HE is OVERJOYED with the GLORIOUSNESS of OUR LOVE! THAT is what HE most desires! Let's remember THAT when we praise and worship HIM! MAKE IT GLORIOUS! HALLELUJAH! Here is Elevation Worship and BrandonLake with "PRAISE":

Shalom in Him!