Sunday, February 20, 2022


I LOVE today's "My Utmost For His Highest" by Oswald Chambers!

The Initiative Against Dreaming

Arise, let us go hence. — John 14:31

Dreaming about a thing in order to do it properly is right; but dreaming about it when we should be doing it is wrong. After Our Lord had said those wonderful things to His disciples, we might have expected that He would tell them to go away and meditate over them all; but Our Lord never allowed “mooning” When we are getting into contact with God in order to find out what He wants, dreaming is right; but when we are inclined to spend our time in dreaming over what we have been told to do, it is a bad thing and God’s blessing is never on it. God’s initiative is always in the nature of a stab against this kind of dreaming, the stab that bids us “neither sit nor stand but go.”

If we are quietly waiting before God and He has said – “Come ye yourselves apart,” then that is meditation before God in order to get at the line He wants; but always beware of giving over to mere dreaming when once God has spoken. Leave Him to be the source of all your dreams and joys and delights, and go out and obey what He has said. If you are in love, you do not sit down and dream about the one you love all the time, you go and do something for him; and that is what Jesus Christ expects us to do. Dreaming after God has spoken is an indication that we do not trust Him.

There is a time to "dream"! To seek guidance and direction from Holy Spirit for what HE will have us to do next! THEN it is time to GET GOING! Be a DOER of the Word that we are hearing! THIS is action that HE can work with ! Let's be DOERS! ALWAYS in obedience to Holy Spirit's leading and direction. When we do, we will NOT fail! AMEN! Here is Hillsong with "GO!":

Shalom in Him!