Tuesday, January 20, 2015


Today I want to share this from Jerry Savelle's devotional:

The substitutionary sacrifice of Jesus is the central truth of the Bible. Everything else you read in the Bible must line up with that central truth. The moment you read something in the Word that looks as though God brings trouble against His children, you need to go back to that central truth. If it doesn’t line up with the central truth, then you should simply ask the Holy Spirit for revelation.
There were times when I would run across a situation in the Old Testament and I would say, “Wait a minute! That contradicts everything that I have learned about God.” I said, “Now God, You told me that You were not the one who did that, but right here is says plainly, The Lord shall smite thee.” That was when I went back to the central truth. The central truth is: Jesus was smitten (bruised) on my behalf. Jesus bore those things for me.
The Bible says in Isaiah 53 that He bore our grief and carried our sorrows. He was wounded for our transgressions and was bruised for our iniquities. The chastisement of our peace was upon Him and by His stripes we are healed. That is the central truth upon which you can base everything in the Word. If it was the will of God that Jesus be bruised, then it can never be the will of God that you be bruised. If it is God’s will that you be bruised, then Jesus was bruised in vain. If Jesus was bruised in vain, then the substitutionary sacrifice did not work, then Romans 10:9-10 has no power. If Romans 10:9-10 has no power, then you and I are still lost.
Jesus was our substitute. We can base everything around that truth. Because of what Jesus did at Calvary, God has provided us with everything we need to take the victory every time.
Confession: I believe Jesus paid the price for all sin, sickness, disease, distress, and destruction. I will live in freedom and victory knowing that His sacrifice on the Cross was enough.
AMEN! As born again believers, we ARE who God says we are! We HAVE what God says we have! We can DO what God says we can do! Refuse to be moved by the opinion of any man, but get your direction from the Word of God and your specific guidance from the Spirit of God. NOW is the time to be about our Father's business of seeking and saving the lost (Luke 19:10) by preaching the Gospel, laying hands on the sick, casting out demons (Mark 16:15-18) and proclaiming that TODAY is the day of salvation (2 Corinthians 6:2)! Everything else is God's business and WE should mind our own! AMEN! Let's stop getting bogged down with nonsense and with that which is NOT the Gospel! People are running out of time to hear the Truth and WE are the carriers of it! Let's GO! Appropriately, here is Hillong United with "Go":

Shalom in Him!