Wednesday, September 7, 2011


Psalm 68:1-3:

1 GOD IS [already] beginning to arise, and His enemies to scatter; let them also who hate Him flee before Him! 2 As smoke is driven away, so drive them away; as wax melts before the fire, so let the wicked perish before the presence of God. 3 But let the [uncompromisingly] righteous be glad; let them be in high spirits and glory before God, yes, let them [jubilantly] rejoice!

Some of the most powerful prophecies that I have heard concerning the Last Days before the Appearing of Jesus for the Church tell of a great awakening and revival among the Body of Christ (the Church). When born again believers begin to walk in the authority of the New Covenant, and in Anointing that breaks every yoke of bondage, THEN God WILL arise in the earth! WE are HIS body! We MUST stand up so that He CAN! THAT is when the wicked flee, demonic influence is cast out and held at bay, the sick are healed, the dead are raised and the One, True God is glorified! Verse 4:

4 Sing to God, sing praises to His Name, cast up a highway for Him Who rides through the deserts -- His Name is the LORD -- be in high spirits and glory before Him!

In this last great outpouring of God's Glory (Acts 2:16-21) He will use ANYONE and EVERYONE! Are YOU ready? Women of God, that means YOU! Verse 11:

The LORD gives the Word [of power]; the women who bear and publish [the news] are a great host.

Let's be about our Father's business while there is still time for us to fulfill our parts! This is THE most glorious time to be alive on the earth! Verses 32-35:

32 Sing to God, O kingdoms of the earth, sing praises to the LORD! Selah [pause, and calmly think of that]! 33 [Sing praises] to Him Who rides upon the heavens, the ancient heavens; behold, he sends forth His voice, His mighty voice. 34 Ascribe power and strength to God; His majesty is over Israel, and His strength and might are in the skies. 35 O God, awe-inspiring, profoundly impressive, and terrible are You out of Your holy places; the God of Israel Himself gives strength and fullness of might to His people. Blessed be God!

AMEN! Here is Hillsong singing: The Lost Are Found:

Hebrews 2:6-8a:

6 It has been solemnly and earnestly said in a certain place, What is man that You are mindful of him, or the son of man that You graciously and helpfully care for and visit and look after him? 7 For some little time You have ranked him lower than the angels; You have crowned him with glory and honor and set him over the works of Your hands, 8a For You have put everything in subjection under his feet. Now in putting everything in subjection to man, He left nothing outside [of man's] control.

Jesus said ALL authority was given to HIM. Then He said :"GO, therefore"! We are to go in His authority and in His anointing to preach the Gospel and set people free from the bondage of the enemy! 

We have Isaiah 49-50 today. Isaiah is a picture of the Bible as a whole. There are 66 chapters. The first 39 correspond to the 39 books of the Old Testament and the remaining 27 chapters correspond to the 27 books of the New Testament. These chapters are speaking of Messiah! That should help you in your study!

Shalom in Him!