Proverbs 5:1-2:
1 MY SON, be attentive to my Wisdom [godly Wisdom learned by actual and costly experience], and incline your ear to my understanding [of what is becoming and prudent for you]. 2 That you may exercise discretion and your lips may guard and keep knowledge and the wise answer [to temptation].
"Attend" is the Hebrew word "qashab", which we have looked at previously, and means: to prick up your ears, to hear, be attentive, to hearken, to give heed. We are to pay attention "unto my Wisdom", the Hebrew word "chokmah", which means: wisdom (in a good sense), skill, shrewdness, prudence. Then we are instructed to "bow", the Hebrew word, "natah", which means: to stretch out, to extend, extending something outward and toward, our ear to understanding. Doing so will allow us to operate in wisdom and discretion (freedom of choice), and be in position to "keep", the Hebrew word, "natsar", which means: to watch, to guard, to keep, to preserve; knowledge. When we operate this way, we can have boldness to speak the Word of God and know that God will confirm it with signs following!
The strange woman in verse three doesn't actually say woman, but rather anything strange and foreign from what is good and godly! Don't be fooled into thinking that this chapter is only dealing with adultery and if you haven't been involved in that, then you can just pass this chapter by! This means that when we stay in the Word for the purpose of learning God's will and His ways, then we will be able to keep ourselves from the temptation to get involved in ANYTHING that will take us further away from close, intimate fellowship with Jesus! The enemy is tricky and makes it his goal to try and lead all of God's people away from Him! REFUSE! You have all the equipment you need to do so! AMEN!
Revelation 11 shows John measuring the Third Temple! It hasn't been built yet, but the Temple Institute in Israel has been very diligently producing all of the furniture and vessels for the new temple! Below is a picture of the Menorah (Lampstand) that they have made to go into the temple when it is finally rebuilt!
We know that the Temple will be rebuilt, because the Word of God says so! We also know that the antichrist will try to take up residence their and call himself god! THAT won't last long!
Next we see the two witnesses who will preach the Gospel to all who will hear! people will try to kill them, but they will lost their own live in the process, for they are divinely protected by God and through the fire that will come out of their mouths and devour their enemies! I'm am SO happy that we will NOT be on the earth at this time, but enjoying Heaven in the presence of our Wonderful Lord and King, JESUS! AMEN!
In Lamentations 3 Jeremiah is speaking of the pain, sorrow and frustration that have come from preaching the message God gave him to the people who would not listen! He agonized over the people who would experience the judgement of God because they would NOT listen and obey God! In case you were ever tempted to think that being called to a pulpit ministry is a glorious, glamorous "job", think again! Ministers of the Gospel have been given the responsibility of presenting the Truth to the people, and it is NOT always very well received! The work of the ministry can get dirty and gritty, just like life, but the rewards are incomparable when someone grabs a hold of the Word for themselves!
Jeremiah spends the first 20 verses rehashing all of the suffering he endured for his ministry and the people. Then he suddenly changes his thinking and speaking to praise the LORD! Verses 21-23:
21 But this I recall and therefore have I hope and expectation. 22 it is because of the LORD'S mercy and loving-kindness that we are not consumed, because His [tender] compassions fail not. 23 They are new every morning; great and abundant is Your stability and faithfulness.
When things look tough in YOUR life, remember these verses AND the fact that you have a Covenant with Almighty God through the precious blood of Jesus of Nazareth! Build up your faith by praying in the Spirit and by hearing and hearing and hearing God's Word! VICTORY! AMEN!
Shalom in Him!