Proverbs 27:1:
1 DO NOT boast of [yourself and ] tomorrow, for you know not what a day may bring forth.
We understand that we are not to brag up our plans and and what WE are going to do, but to live each day for His glory and to trust Him! But there is something else very important here that we don't always speak about! If the Church were to be taken out of here today, is there something that you will have left undone or a person you will wish you had spoken to sooner? I believe that this verse is ALSO saying: you have no idea if tomorrow is even coming! So, take advantage of TODAY to do what you know to do! Proverbs 3:27 says this:
27 Withhold not good from them to whom it is due, when it is in the power of thine hand to do it.
16 Making the very most of the time [buying up each opportunity], because the days are evil.
Rather than bragging or boasting or even being satisfied, we should be continually listening and watching for any and every opportunity to minister LIFE! AMEN! Don't just do something because that's what you've always done! Do what you do with purpose and presence! THAT is how a Living Epistle should "read"! AMEN! And then we have verse 17-18:
17 Therefore do not be vague and thoughtless and foolish, but understanding and firmly grasping what the will of the LORD is. 18 And do not be drunk with wine, for that is debauchery, but ever be filled and stimulated with the [Holy] Spirit.
We are living in the very BEST of times to be alive on the earth! So much is happening at such a rapid pace and then RAPTURE! I think I hear a trumpet tuning up!
In Nehemiah 6-7 we see that all that is left for the rebuilding of the Temple and the city is to restore the gates, with the doors. The enemies of Israel, who had not been able to stop the restoration, not resorted to fear tactics against Nehemiah himself to try to get him to quit out of fear. I like the title of this section of commentary from the Bible Exposition Commentary:
WE HAVE HEARD THE ENEMY, AND HE IS A LIAR. I love it! Remember for yourself that the enemy is not only a liar, but the father of all lies! That is ALL that he can produce! I like this from the same commentary:
The enemy's main purpose was to generate fear in the heart of Nehemiah and his workers (Neh 6:9,13-14,19), knowing that fear destroys faith and paralyzes life. Adolph Hitler wrote, "Mental confusion, contradiction of feeling, indecisiveness, panic; these are our weapons." Both Jesus (Luke 13:31-37) and Paul (Acts 21:10-14) had to face the specter of fear, and both overcame it by faith.
Nehemiah didn't listen to the enemy's lies. He and the people completed the wall and hung the gates in only fifty-two days, much to the chagrin of their adversaries (Neh 6:15-16). YOU can operate in that same kind of faith and even more so because you have the Spirit of God living in you to reveal the Truth to you, thought by thought! Thank You, Lord!
Shalom in Him!