Saturday, November 13, 2021


In today's Spoken Word Bible Reading Plan we read Psalm 134 and verses 1-2 are a great place to start in praising HIM!

1 Behold, bless (affectionately and gratefully praise) the Lord, all you servants of the Lord, [singers] who by night stand in the house of the Lord. 2 Lift up your hands in holiness and to the sanctuary and bless the Lord [affectionately and gratefully praise Him]!

With all that is within YOU, praise HIM! That will put you in  position to receive what you need and desrie from Him like nothing else can! In John 11:28 we see something that has always made me a little sad! This was when Lazarus had died and Jesus went later, knowing what He would accomplish there! When Martha spoken to Jesus she told Him that she really believed that if He had come sooner, her brother would not have died! She said that she believed that Jesus was truly the Messiah, but then she went to her sister Mary and said this:

28 After she had said this, she went back and called her sister Mary, privately whispering to her, The Teacher is close at hand and is asking for you.

Now Jesus may very well have asked for Mary, but these Scriptures do NOT reveal that! My thought is that Martha had no confidence in her own relationship with JESUS, but she believed that Mary had a real 'in' with Him because she has spent so much time listening to His teaching. One thing that has meant the very most to me in coming to know JESUS more and  more each day is the TRUTH that He does NOT love any one of us more than the other! Now some of us may try His patience where others may be more pleasant for Him to be around, BUT HE LOVES US ALL EQUALLY! NEVER allow the devil to convince you that you are not 'good enough' to be in the presence of the Lord your GOD! HE said that WHOSOEVER chose to come to HIM, He would NEVER cast out! YOU are SO valuable to HIM! He DIED to give you HIS LIFE! There IS no greater LOVE than that! Here is Hillsong Worship with a new song that reflects just how very much YOU mean to HIM! "Surrounds Me":

Shalom in Him!