Sunday, March 5, 2017


Today's "Faith Food" by Kenneth E. Hagin continues along the same line again today, speaking of our words!

Wrong Words
"Who so keeps his mouth and his tongue keeps his soul from troubles" (Proverbs 21:23). 
When trouble comes, most people want to blame God. "Why did God let this happen?" they ask. 

After Job's troubles came, he said, "For the thing which I greatly feared is come upon me, and that which I was afraid of is come unto me" (Job 3:25). Job opened the door and let the devil in! 

We cause our troubles ourselves much of the time. Many dear Christian people don't keep their mouths and tongues under control. They're always saying wrong words. Just about all they ever talk about is what a battle they've had with the devil. 

Words of defeat are wrong. Words of failure are wrong. Words about how the devil is hindering you, how he's keeping you from success, how he's making you sick and keeping you sick, are wrong. Such words give Satan dominion over you and create troubles. 

But when you have God's Word in your heart, and speak it out of your mouth "right in the face of apparent contradictions, right in the face of pain, right in the face of alarming symptoms, right in the face of excruciating circumstances," such adverse conditions will disappear. 

Confession: I keep my mouth, and I keep my tongue. Therefore, I keep my soul from troubles. I believe God's Word in my heart. I purpose that the Word shall be in my mouth and on my tongue, and I shall only speak according to God's Word! 
AMEN! Words are POWERFUL! Words CREATE! "There is POWER in the Spoken Word!" Make sure that YOU are checking YOUR words with GOD'S Word on a regular basis so that you do not allow yourself to slip into a bad speaking mode! ONLY ever say what you REALLY want to have happen! When we speak the good things that we desire to have happen in our lives, more specifically, what God's Word PROMISES, then we can count on the Lord our God confirming that Word with signs, wonders and miracles (Mark 16:20), affirming HIS presence in OUR lives! HALLELUJAH! What a wonderful promise! Here is Hillsong Worship with "Say The Word":

Shalom in Him!