Thursday, August 13, 2015


Today I want to share a word of prophecy that was given to Kenneth E. Hagin. He shared in in today's Faith Food devotional: 
"But he that prophesies speaks unto men to edification, and exhortation, and comfort" (1 Cor. 14:3). 

The following is a word of prophecy that came during a seminar I taught on being led by the Spirit:
Look inside, inside your spirit. For your spirit is the candle, the lamp of the Lord, searching all the inward parts of the belly. And so ye shall know, and ye shall walk in the light of that which ye know.

No one will be able to gainsay thee, for thou wilt say, "There is light in my dwelling. I am the temple of the Holy Spirit. He dwells in me. He enlightens my spirit. Yea, I walk in that witness that's within my spirit. I do that which I know by an inward intuition. I follow that deep premonition in my innermost being. And so I am being led by the Spirit.

"I am rejoicing and I'm glad. Yea, I sound forth His praises evermore. I look to that which in me does reside. For residing in me is the potential of all that God has and is.

"All the attributes of even the Father God Himself reside within my spirit, and are potentially mine. For He has declared, 'I will walk in them. I'll live in them. I'll be their God. They will be My people.' 

"My God is not in a far-off distant land, out of reach and not at hand. My God sits not on a pedestal; nor can He be seen with the physical, or touched with the hand. My God is a Spirit who resides in man!"
AMEN! There is no excuse for any born again believer to NOT know the will of God for their own personal lives! We have the Word of God for our general guidance and the Spirit of God for our specific guidance! John 10:27 tells us that those who belong to Him DO hear and know His voice! 

27 The sheep that are My own hear and are listening to My voice; and I know them, and they follow Me.

Settle it once and for all in your life that it is NOT the responsibility of someone else to hear from God and tell YOU what to say and do! Be willing to pay whatever price is necessary to spend the time that is needed for YOU to become confident in YOUR ability to hear Him. Then, JUST DO what you hear to do! Amen! Our rewards are based on OUR obedience and are not dependent on anyone else. Neither can we use anyone else as an excuse. He is ALWAYS speaking and YOU can ALWAYS be hearing, seeing and doing. Here, to encourage you in this, is Hillsong with "This Is Our God":

Shalom in Him!