Sunday, November 16, 2014


In Psalm 137 we have the psalmist recounting how hard it was for the Jewish exiles from Israel to be separated from their home country. They were asked of their captors to sing some of their songs that they had sung to the LORD when they were in Israel. Look at verse 4 for their reaction to this:

How shall we sing the Lord’s song in a strange land?

The Complete Jewish Bible says this:

4 How can we sing a song about Adonai here on foreign soil? CJB

Why am I sharing this with you today? Because I believe that if the Jewish people had sung their praises to the LORD more often BEFORE they went into exile, they may have been able to avoid it altogether! Once they were there, what better thing to do than begin again to worship the One, True, Most High, Living, Almighty God of Bible with all that was within them? Now, fast forward to the here and now! No matter WHAT situation you are facing today, the very BEST thing YOU can do is to pour your heart and soul into thanksgiving, praise and worship to the ONE Who WILL deliver you! AMEN! Let's do this now with Hillsong and "I Give You My Heart":

Shalom in Him!