Wednesday, August 20, 2014


I recently watched the movie, "God's Not Dead". It was very well done and I loved the systematic way that the student in the film destroys all of the arguments of the liberal professor! No, we cannot "prove" the existence of God, but no one has EVER disproved Him! EVER! The Bible tells us in Romans 1:20 that creation itself speaks of the presence and power of God! IF people WANT to know Him, they can! The choice has always been ours to make! Look at Romans 1:20-23:

20 For ever since the creation of the world His invisible nature and attributes, that is, His eternal power and divinity, have been made intelligible and clearly discernible in and through the things that have been made (His handiworks). So [men] are without excuse [altogether without any defense or justification],  [Psalms 19:1-4.] 21 Because when they knew and recognized Him as God, they did not honor and glorify Him as God or give Him thanks. But instead they became futile and godless in their thinking [with vain imaginings, foolish reasoning, and stupid speculations] and their senseless minds were darkened. 22 Claiming to be wise, they became fools [professing to be smart, they made simpletons of themselves]. 23 And by them the glory and majesty and excellence of the immortal God were exchanged for and represented by images, resembling mortal man and birds and beasts and reptiles. AMP

I hope that YOU have chosen Him! The Word of God tells us that all of creation was done by Jesus (John 1:3; Colossians 1:16)! This same Jesus gave up His glory in Heaven and came to earth in the form of man. He lived His earthly life as a man (without sin) and not as God ,even though He never stopped BEING God! This made HIM the perfect representative of both! HE was made sin with the sin of all mankind in order for US to have the opportunity to CHOOSE to be made new creations in HIM! Have YOU received Jesus as Lord and personal Savior yet? If not, please go to our website through the link on the left and find out more! For those who have received Jesus as Lord and personal Savior, what are YOU doing to make sure that the precious Gospel of Salvation through Jesus is presented to all of those in YOUR realm of influence? Have a plan and a purpose for your personal ministry (2 Corinthians 5:18)! The Spirit of God, His Anointing, will rise up within you to present the message in power! AMEN! Let's DO THIS! Here is Hillsong United with "No Reason To Hide":

Shalom in Him!