Saturday, August 31, 2024


We read Psalm 61 in our Spoken Word Bible Reading Plan for today. 

To the Chief Musician; on stringed instruments. [A Psalm] of David. 1 Hear my cry, O God; listen to my prayer. 2 From the end of the earth will I cry to You, when my heart is overwhelmed and fainting; lead me to the rock that is higher than I [yes, a rock that is too high for me]. 3 For You have been a shelter and a refuge for me, a strong tower against the adversary. 4 I will dwell in Your tabernacle forever; let me find refuge and trust in the shelter of Your wings. Selah [pause, and calmly think of that]! 5 For You, O God, have heard my vows; You have given me the heritage of those who fear, revere, and honor Your name. 6 May You prolong the [true] King’s life [adding days upon days], and may His years be to the last generation [of this world and the generations of the world to come]. 7 May He sit enthroned forever before [the face of] God; O ordain that loving-kindness and faithfulness may watch over Him! 8 So will I sing praise to Your name forever, paying my vows day by day.

What will I do? I will SING PRAISES FOREVER! Here is Bandon Lake with "Graves Into Gardens":

Shalom in Him!