Today we read this again in our Spoken Word Bible Reading Plan in Matthew 7:1-2:
7 Do not judge and criticize and condemn others, so that you may not be judged and criticized and condemned yourselves. 2 For just as you judge and criticize and condemn others, you will be judged and criticized and condemned, and in accordance with the measure you [use to] deal out to others, it will be dealt out again to you.
I have had so many people, who claim to be born again believers, argue with me when I remind them of these verses, as they are busy judging, criticizing, bad mouting, slandering and condemning fellow belivers because they disagree with something that they are teaching! The verses above are extremely clear! DO NOT means DO NOT! We are NOT called to judge fellows believers. We are to PRAY for them if we think that they are missing it somehow. Verse 2 above makes it abundantly clear that if we indulge in criticism and condemnation of another beleiver, then we are open game to be critisized, judged and condemned! Romans 8:1 tells us that there is NO condemnation for ANYONE who is IN Christ Jesus! God will not condemn any one of us because JESUS Himself already took that condemnation upon Himself - FOR US! This new year I am encouraging each of you to take stock of your own attitudes toward fellow believers. We are all memebers of the same family and HIS body! Let's act like it, thereby showing forth HIS wonderful LOVE fpor the world to see! AMEN! Here is Hillsong with "Lettered Love":
Shalom in Him!