Thursday, July 18, 2019


Today's "My Utmost For His Highest" by Oswald Chambers contains so much vital TRUTH!

The Mystery Of Believing

And he said, Who art Thou, Lord? — Acts 9:5

By the miracle of Redemption Saul of Tarsus was turned in one second from a strong-willed, intense Pharisee into a humble, devoted slave of the Lord Jesus.

There is nothing miraculous about the things we can explain. We command what we are able to explain, consequently it is natural to seek to explain. It is not natural to obey; nor is it necessarily sinful to disobey. There is no moral virtue in obedience unless there is a recognition of a higher authority in the one who dictates. It is possibly an emancipation to the other person if he does not obey. If one man says to another — “You must,” and “You shall,” he breaks the human spirit and unfits it for God. A man is a slave for obeying unless behind his obedience there is a recognition of a holy God. Many a soul begins to come to God when he flings off being religious, because there is only one Master of the human heart, and that is not religion but Jesus Christ. But woe be to me if when I see Him I say — “I will not.” He will never insist that I do, but I have begun to sign the death warrant of the Son of God in my soul. When I stand face to face with Jesus Christ and say — “I will not,” He will never insist; but I am backing away from the re-creating power of His Redemption. It is a matter of indifference to God’s grace how abominable I am if I come to the light; but woe be to me if I refuse the light (see John 3:19-21).

RELIGION has held people captive in unbelief and fear for centuries! There is NO reward for obedience to religious edicts, laws, rules and regulations!  Rewards are ONLY promised to those who will draw near to the One, True God and to obey His Word! God is not interested in anything but your heart! When we love the Lord our God first of all, then others as HE has loved us, then we are in obedience to God and HE will reward us accordingly! AMEN! Psalm 17:15 from our Spoken Word Bible Reading Plan for today goes very well with this lesson today! THIS is MY desire, ALWAYS! Here is Hillsong UNITED with "Whole Heart":

Shalom in Him!