Sunday, August 11, 2013


I really like this from today's "My Utmost For His Highest" by Oswald Chambers!

Elijah went up by a whirlwind into heaven. And Elisha . . . saw him no more —2 Kings 2:11-12
It is not wrong for you to depend on your “Elijah” for as long as God gives him to you. But remember that the time will come when he must leave and will no longer be your guide and your leader, because God does not intend for him to stay. Even the thought of that causes you to say, “I cannot continue without my ’Elijah.’ ” Yet God says you must continue.
Alone at Your “Jordan” (2 Kings 2:14). The Jordan River represents the type of separation where you have no fellowship with anyone else, and where no one else can take your responsibility from you. You now have to put to the test what you learned when you were with your “Elijah.” You have been to the Jordan over and over again with Elijah, but now you are facing it alone. There is no use in saying that you cannot go— the experience is here, and you must go. If you truly want to know whether or not God is the God your faith believes Him to be, then go through your “Jordan” alone.
Alone at Your “Jericho” (2 Kings 2:15). Jericho represents the place where you have seen your “Elijah” do great things. Yet when you come alone to your “Jericho,” you have a strong reluctance to take the initiative and trust in God, wanting, instead, for someone else to take it for you. But if you remain true to what you learned while with your “Elijah,” you will receive a sign, as Elisha did, that God is with you.
Alone at Your “Bethel” (2 Kings 2:23). At your “Bethel” you will find yourself at your wits’ end but at the beginning of God’s wisdom. When you come to your wits’ end and feel inclined to panic— don’t! Stand true to God and He will bring out His truth in a way that will make your life an expression of worship. Put into practice what you learned while with your “Elijah”— use his mantle and pray (see 2 Kings 2:13-14). Make a determination to trust in God, and do not even look for Elijah anymore.
I see this as so pertinent to the Body of Christ today! There has been a lot of conversation about "what God is doing here" and "what God is doing there", when all the time God WANTS to do His will and work through YOU!  Born again, Spirit filled believers MUST become active DOERS of the Word of God in order to fulfill HIS calling on OUR lives! Jesus said this in John 14:12:

12 I assure you, most solemnly I tell you, if anyone steadfastly believes in Me, he will himself be able to do the things that I do; and he will do even greater things than these, because I go to the Father. AMP

Are YOU ready for the "greater things"? Then step out in faith and do the things that are recorded that Jesus DID! He went about teaching, preaching and healing! Go THOU and do likewise! AMEN! We have HIS power and authority within us in the Person of the Spirit of God! We lack nothing except the appropriate corresponding action! HE will confirm His Word! AMEN! Here is Hillsong with "No Reason To Hide":

Shalom in Him!