Monday, January 30, 2012


Yesterday Psalm 29 spoke of "the voice of the LORD". Today, in the devotional "Heaven Calling", put out by Zondervan, I read this:

Exodus 3:4 God called to him out of the bush, "Moses, Moses!" And he said, "here I am."


     To get Moses' attention, I met him in the form of a bush on fire but not consumed by the flames. Once he was listening, our conversation began in earnest. 

     I've also tried to get your attention, wooing you in wondrous ways. Follow Moses' example: soak it in. Confirm My reaching out to you by reading My Word and entering into conversation with Me. And always, always be on the lookout for Me. I will be courting you in a multitude of ways and a multitude of places. 

     Will you meet me there?

Make me sensitive to Your presence, Lord, in both the  mundane and the incredible.

Are YOU ready to begin a more intimate fellowship with the One, True, Most High, Living, Almighty God of the Bible? Then MAKE time in your daily schedule for alone time with HIM! It will become the best and most important part of your day! Here is Hillsong singing "With All I Am":

Shalom in Him!