Monday, August 8, 2011


In Psalm 38 David is calling out to God in repentance for his sin (verse 18) and for relief from his suffering. As often happens, the very people that SHOULD have been supportive and helpful to him, were not! Verses 11-12:

11 My lovers and my friends stand aloof from my plague; and my neighbors and my near ones stand afar off. 12 They also that seek and demand my life lay snares for me, and they speak crafty and mischievous things; they meditate treachery and deceit all the day long.

So David was facing persecution from his enemies and judgment from his friends. What did he do in this situation? Verses 13-15:

13 But I, like a deaf man, hear not; and I am like a dumb man who opens not his mouth. 14 Yes, I have become like a man who hears not, in whose mouth are no arguments or replies. 15 For in You, O LORD, do I hope; You will answer, O LORD my God.

David did NOT get into discussions with these people. He also did not try to defend himself! He looked to the ONE qualified to help him! Follow this example when you face tests, trials and temptations. Don't share anything with anyone not qualified to help you. This will exclude everyone who is not a like-minded believer and will make your list of people you confide in short, which will result in much more powerful prayers of agreement! 

1 Timothy 2:5-6:

5 For there [is only] one God, and [only] one Mediator between God and men, the Man Christ Jesus, 6 Who gave Himself as a ransom for all [people, a fact that was] attested to at the right and proper time.

There is only ONE, True, Most High, Living, Almighty God of the Bible! He has many Names found in the Word of God, and these do NOT include: Allah, Buddha, Krishna, Confucius. No other so-called god gave himself for anyone! Only OUR God gave Himself to pay the price for OUR redemption! Keep preaching the Good News!

Amos 6:1 begins with "Woe". I found some very interesting commentary on this in the Bible Exposition Commentary: Old Testament. It is rather long, but I think it is very well put!

Woe to the indifferent! (Amos 6:1-2)

This "woe" was addressed to both Judah ("Zion") and Israel ("Samaria") because both kingdoms were indifferent toward God's Word and the judgment that hung over them. They called themselves "the foremost nation" (v. 1, NIV) and enjoyed an unwarranted false confidence for several reasons.

The first cause of their complacency was their geography. Situated on Mount Zion. Jerusalem was considered impregnable (Ps 78:68-69; 132:13-18); and Samaria also had a seemingly secure position. But when God decided to deal with these cities, nothing could stop the enemy.

As for their prosperity, government, and military strength, Amos had already exposed the folly depending on them; for the heart of each nation was corrupt to the core. The notable men in Israel's government gave their opinion that the nation was safe and secure, and the people believed them, just as people today believe the political "experts" and the polls. False confidence that's based on expert advice, statistics, and material resources and that ignores the spiritual dimension of life is sure to lead to shameful defeat.

Amos mentioned areas in Syria and Philistia that had already fallen to the Assyrian army and then asked two questions: "Are you better than they? Is your territory bigger than theirs?" If the enemy had already destroyed places bigger and stronger than Samaria and Israel, what hope was there for the Jewish people, especially when the Jews were living like the Gentiles and were disobeying the Lord? God doesn't look at the talent of national leaders, the extent of a nation's army, or the prosperity of its economy. God looks at the heart, and the heart of the two Jewish kingdoms was far from the Lord.

Complacency is an insidious sin, because it's based on lies, motivated by pride, and leads to trusting something other than God (Zeph 1:12). Like the people in the church of Laodicea, complacent people consider themselves "rich, and increased with goods" and in need of nothing (Rev 3:17). In reality, however, they have lost everything that's important in the spiritual life.

Don't allow yourself to ever become complacent in your fellowship with HIM! Keep it vital and real by spending time DAILY in His presence. Pretty soon it will come as naturally to you as breathing! THAT is how God intended for us to live! AMEN! This should help! Hillsong's "Like Incense":

Shalom in Him!