Wednesday, October 6, 2021


I really LOVE today's "Health Food" devotional by Kenneth E. Hagin!

Go Ahead—Brag About Who You Are in Christ !

For we walk by faith, not by sight. — 2 CORINTHIANS 5:7

Years ago, a dear preacher friend of mine said to me, “I don’t believe like you believe.” At the time he said that, I’d been well for the past forty-five years, and he’d been sickly off and on for forty-five years. Well, I liked my way of believing a whole lot better than his way.

This preacher would say, “If God ever heals me, I’ll start believing in healing.” He meant that if all his symptoms disappeared, he would believe. I started believing I was healed while I was bedfast and still paralyzed. I couldn’t walk or move a bit when I began believing I was healed.

Some people have said, “You’re just bragging on yourself. You’re stuck on yourself. You think you’re something.” No, I’m stuck on God’s Word! I’m bragging on Him!

Anyone who knows Jesus—anyone who knows what God has done for him—has plenty to brag about. And he ought to brag about it! I’m bragging because I’m a new creature (2 Corinthians 5:17). I didn’t make myself a new creature; God made me one. I’m bragging about who I am in Christ. I didn’t put myself in Christ; He did it. I’m bragging about who God said I am, not who I said I am.

Confession: I walk by faith in God’s Word, rather than what I can see with my physical eyes. I believe I am who God says I am and that I can do what God says I can do. I brag about who I am in Christ and what God has done for me.

AMEN! DARE to believe what God's Word says about YOU and about all that JESUS has done in you and for you! Here is Hillsong with "Bright As The Sun":

Shalom in Him!