Monday, December 14, 2015


I want to share today's Faith Food by Kenneth E. Hagin with you! 

From Everlasting

"But thou, Bethlehem Ephratah, though thou be little among the thousands of Judah, yet out of thee shall he come forth unto me that is to be ruler in Israel; whose goings forth have been from of old, from everlasting" (Micah 5:2). 

This remarkable prophetic utterance about One who would be born of the family of Judah to be a Ruler in Israel states that His goings forth were from of old, from everlasting. He has traveled up and down through eternity, and He has left His footprints on the ages! 

Too frequently people simply look at the physical side of Jesus' birth and talk about His being born as a little babe, when actually He preexisted with the Father from the beginning! The Person we now know as Jesus Christ is one of the three Divine Persons of the Deity. As God, He had no beginning. 

Confession: The goings forth of Christ, my Lord, were from of old, from everlasting. As God, He had no beginning. Yet He came forth to this world to redeem me from the dominion of Satan. I can trust this Eternal One with my life
Remind yourself of this powerful Truth as you celebrate this Christmas season with family and friends! God the Son left Heaven to come into this earth in the most vulnerable of positions, as a newborn baby! God the Son willingly became the Son of God, being born of a human woman, making Him also the Son of Man! He was the perfect, and ONLY possible bridge between the God of the Bible and His creation! He paid the price for OUR sin, having none of His own. BECAUSE  He did this, WE can be born again by the Spirit of God to become a new creation that never existed before (2 Corinthians 5:17)! Take every opportunity to share this great Good News with everyone you can while there is still time to do so! Tell them "We Have A Savior", which is also the name of this Christmas song by Hillsong!

Shalom in Him!