Friday, June 12, 2015


As we are reading through Proverbs in our Spoken Word Bible Reading Plan, we can see a very definite contrast between the results promised to the righteous who will refuse to quit, and the wicked who choose to do things their own way! Even the righteous (born again ones) who choose to operate in the ways of the wicked will have the results that the wicked have, here, in this life. We can take great encouragement from verses like these in Proverbs 12:

The wicked are overthrown and are not, but the house of the [uncompromisingly] righteous shall stand.
13 The wicked is [dangerously] snared by the transgression of his lips, but the [uncompromisingly] righteous shall come out of trouble. 14 From the fruit of his words a man shall be satisfied with good, and the work of a man’s hands shall come back to him [as a harvest].

This goes along well the today's
"Faith To Faith" devotional by Kenneth and Gloria Copeland:

I’ve often heard people say, “It’s not whether you win or lose, it’s how you play the game.” That’s nonsense. If you play the game right, you’ll win! Any coach will tell you that part of playing the game right is having a winning attitude. 
That’s what God wants us, as believers, to have. He wants us to have so much faith in Him that we expect to whip any obstacle the devil brings our way. He wants us to expect to win at the game of life. But most of us don’t come by that attitude easily. We’re so accustomed to losing that we have to totally change our way of thinking if we want to have a winning mind-set. In Ephesians, the Apostle Paul told the Church to renew their minds. Like us, they needed to change their attitudes, to renew their minds to the fact that Jesus overcame the world.
If you haven’t already, you need to do that too! You need to develop a glorious sense of confidence that says, “Hey, Devil, I’m going to be victorious and there’s not a thing you can do to stop me!”
“But, Brother Copeland, you don’t know the kinds of problems I’m facing.”
I know I don’t, but Jesus does and He said you should “cheer up” because He can give you peace in the midst of tribulation. He said that when Satan comes against you with everything he has, you should take heart because He’s already beaten it—Jesus has already overcome it and so can you!
First John 5:5 puts it this way, “Who is he that overcomes the world, but he that believes that Jesus is the Son of God?”
Do you know what that scripture means? It means that if you are a born-again believer, you have an absolute right to be a winner, to overcome every aspect of this evil world. Think about that. Meditate on it. Start developing a winning attitude today!
AMEN! The reason that we HAVE the Word of God is so that we CAN find out exactly who we are in HIM, what we have in HIM and what we can do in HIM! Study the Word so that YOU can learn to live in the fullness of all that God has for you, bringing glory to HIS Name! Here is Hillsong United with "Here Now":

Shalom in Him!