Monday, May 30, 2011


Psalm 149 is another psalm that could be used as an instruction manual on praise and worship! In this Psalm we see how to:

  • Worship the LORD intelligently -- Verses 1-2.
  • Worship the LORD fervently -- Verses 3-4.
  • Worship the LORD gratefully -- Verse 5.
  • Worship the LORD triumphantly -- Verses 6-9.
And then I found this in the Bible Exposition Commentary: Old Testament:

Everything that God's people do in serving and glorifying the Lord must flow out of worship, for without Him we can do nothing (John 15:5). The most important activity of the local church is the worship of God, for this is the activity we will continue in heaven for all eternity. This psalm is a primer on worship and gives us the basic instructions we need. Here is the song "Search My Heart" from the Aftermath CD by Hillsong United. Without HIM, I am NOTHING! Thank GOD I am NEVER without Him! AMEN!

In John 9 we read about the healing of the man who was born blind. The disciples wanted to know WHY the man was born blind. Jesus had a  more important statement to make! Remember that there was NO punctuation in the original languages. The translators added these to try and make it more readable. Allow the Holy Spirit to show you some Truth by taking some of that away! Try reading it like this:

3 Jesus answered, It was not that this man or his parents sinned, but he was born blind. In order that the workings of God should be manifested (displayed and illustrated) in him, I must work the works of Him Who sent Me and be busy with His business while it is daylight. 

Do you see how that would make these verses so much clearer? I LOVE the Word of God AND being taught by the Spirit of God!

The saying "Behind every great man is a great woman" may not be entirely true, and  isn't found in the Bible, but it was certainly true of David in the situation with Nabal! Abigail's intervention saved David and his men from the results of taking vengeance for themselves! Remember that the Word of God says that vengeance belongs to God (Deuteronomy 32:35; Psalm 94:1; and Romans 12:19)! We need to take care of OUR business, and let GOD take care of HIS! AMEN! 

Shalom in Him!