Tuesday, June 29, 2010


I am REALLY counting on the fulfilling of verse 16!

16When the wicked are in authority, transgression increases, but the [uncompromisingly] righteous shall see the fall of the wicked.

AMEN! Verse 25 tells us that we should NEVER fear people!

25The fear of man brings a snare, but whoever leans on, trusts in, and puts his confidence in the Lord is safe and set on high.

Remember Psalm 118:6:

6The Lord is on my side; I will not fear. What can man do to me?

Don't ever let people intimidate you! That is what the "fear of man" really is! Remember that God is FOR YOU all the time!

Colossians 2:9-10 is something that you and I need to meditate on until it REALLY becomes SO real to us!

9For in Him the whole fullness of Deity (the Godhead) continues to dwell in bodily form [giving complete expression of the divine nature]. 10And you are in Him, made full and having come to fullness of life [in Christ you too are filled with the Godhead--Father, Son and Holy Spirit--and reach full spiritual stature]. And He is the Head of all rule and authority [of every angelic principality and power].

Read Song of Solomon with the idea that it was written with loving Jesus in mind! DO IT!

Shalom in Him!