Tuesday, October 8, 2024


Today I am sharing again from Kenneth E. Hagin's "Faith Food" devotional. This was the very first devotional I ever used and it is still one of my very favorites! 

The Father Glorified

And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. — JOHN 14:13

What a striking promise!

When we are born into the family of God, the right and privilege to use the Name of Jesus is given to us by the New Birth. All authority vested in that Name is given to us so that the Father may be glorified in the Son.

The Son was an outcast on the earth. He hung naked before the world and was crucified. But wherever the shame of the crucifixion has been preached, the might, power, and honor of His Name also has gone — shedding blessings upon the human race and bringing glory to God the Father.

Jesus’ Name is to take Jesus’ place upon the earth. All Jesus could do during His earth walk can now be done by every believer. Jesus is in that Name. Jesus is that Name. All Jesus was — all He did — all He is — all He will ever be — is in that Name now!

When we use Jesus’ Name, we bring onto the scene the fullness of His finished work at Calvary. By our use of that Name, the living, healing Christ is present — to the glory of God the Father!

Confession: I will use the Name of Jesus, as directed by His Word, to bring glory to God the Father.

AMEN! Our ONLY reason for being here instead of being immediately with the Lord in Heaven is so that we can make JESUS known! Let's SHOUT HIS FAME as Hillsong put it so well several years ago! 

Shalom In Him!