Wednesday, July 17, 2024


Today our Spoken Word Bible Reading Plan has us in Matthew 15. I want to look at verses 1-9:

1 Then from Jerusalem came scribes and Pharisees and said,
2 Why do Your disciples transgress and violate the rules handed down by the elders of the past? For they do not practice [ceremonially] washing their hands before they eat.
3 He replied to them, And why also do you transgress and violate the commandment of God for the sake of the rules handed down to you by your forefathers (the elders)?
4 For God commanded, Honor your father and your mother, and, He who curses or reviles or speaks evil of or abuses or treats improperly his father or mother, let him surely come to his end by death.
5 But you say, If anyone tells his father or mother, What you would have gained from me [that is, the money and whatever I have that might be used for helping you] is already dedicated as a gift to God, then he is exempt and no longer under obligation to honor and help his father or his mother.
6 So for the sake of your tradition (the rules handed down by your forefathers), you have set aside the Word of God [depriving it of force and authority and making it of no effect].
7 You pretenders (hypocrites)! Admirably and truly did Isaiah prophesy of you when he said:
8 These people draw near Me with their mouths and honor Me with their lips, but their hearts hold off and are far away from Me.
9 Uselessly do they worship Me, for they teach as doctrines the commands of men.

THIS is how JESUS responded to those who did not follow Him, yet constantly questioned Him! JESUS ALWAYS answered with the TRUTH of HIS WORD! They could not fool JESUS with their false piety and ignorance of HIS WORD! I encourage YOU to treasure your intimate fellowship with JESUS by HIS SPIRIT Who lives IN you as a born again believer! Here is Brandon Lake with "More":

Shalom in Him!