Tuesday, August 25, 2020


I am sharing from Kenneth E. Hagin's "Faith Food" devotional again today because it goes right along with yesterday's lesson!

My Meditation

O how love I thy law! it is my meditation all the day. — PSALM 119:97

A minister told me how he’d been trying to make a success of his church. If he heard of a pastor who was doing well, he would visit him and see what kind of program he had. Then he would try to put that man’s program into action in his church — but it never worked. And he’d fly all over the country doing this.

Then the pastor decided he would meditate in the Word the way he’d heard me teach. So he took a little time out each morning to meditate on the Word. He told me that after thirty days of meditating on the Word, one Sunday they had a landslide response. More people were saved than in the previous two or three years; his people were revived— and he began to have good success.

The ministry was this pastor’s life. That’s where he needed to have good success. Your life calling may be different. But it is certainly true that your way can also be prosperous, and you can have good success. Take time to meditate in the Word. Shut yourself in alone with your spirit. Shut the world out.

Confession: I will meditate in God’s Word. I will observe to do what His Word teaches. My way shall be prosperous. I shall have good success in life. I shall know how to deal wisely in the affairs of life. For the Word of God says so.

AMEN! Don't copy others, hear from the God of the  Bible by His Spirit within you as you mediate on His WORD in your heart! THAT is HIS will for each of us! Be your best self! THAT is what HE has called you to be! Here is Hillsong with "Who You Say I Am":

Shalom in Him!