Wednesday, July 1, 2020


Today I want to share from Andrew Womack's daily devotional. 

Power In The Name Of Jesus

Luke 10:17 - 'And the seventy returned again with joy, saying, Lord, even the devils are subject unto us through thy name.'

It was the power in the name of Jesus plus the disciples' faith in that power that made the demons subject unto them. This can clearly be seen in Acts 19:13-17 where certain Jews called on the name of Jesus in an effort to cast demons out of a man. They used the name of Jesus, but it didn't work because they had not put faith in that name.

These Jews were itinerants who used incantations to effect deliverance for people who were demon possessed. The first-century historian, Josephus, wrote of an exorcism that he witnessed in the presence of Vespasian and many of his soldiers. The exorcist supposedly followed a ritual passed down from King Solomon to effect the deliverance. There is no doubt that men throughout all history have tried to resist demonic spirits, but as this example proves, only Jesus and those who have received His life are successful.

Those who relegate demonic spirits to the realm of superstition do not believe in the entire Word of God. The Gospels alone contain over 90 references to the devil or devils (demons). The Apostle Paul said when writing to these people in Ephesus, 'We wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places' (Ephesians 6:12). The devil and demons do exist, but all believers in Jesus share in His total victory over them.

The name of Jesus is not magic. It does not work like a charm. As Peter said, 'His name, through faith in his name' (Acts 3:16) is what brings results.

AMEN! I have seen so many believers over the years who would simply tack 'In Jesus' Name' to the end of whatever they were praying as if adding that made everything work! The TRUTH is found in Acts 3:16 (above)! His Name, THROUGH FAITH IN HIS NAME, is what causes answers to prayer and changes to come! We can only build up our faith in His Name by spending time in His Word and finding out just what the Word says about the NAME! Take the time to find out just what YOU can do in HIS NAME and then get about YOUR FATHER's business! Here is Hillsong with "What A Beautiful Name":

Shalom in Him!