Monday, August 14, 2017


I think that Rick Renner's "Sparkling Gems II" for today is a very important lesson.


Nor of men sought we glory, neither of you, nor yet of others, when we might have been burdensome, as the apostles of Christ. — 1 Thessalonians 2:6

Another pitfall that has short-circuited the call of God in lives of others is a desire for glory or fame. But neither money nor fame was Paul’s motive for pursuing ministry. Paul’s primary pursuit was to please God. He genuinely loved God and the people God had called him to reach.

In First Thessalonians 2:6, Paul said, “Nor of men sought we glory, neither of you, nor yet of others, when we might have been burdensome, as the apostles of Christ.” The Greek tense makes it clear that Paul was saying he didn’t habitually seek glory from men; it wasn’t his pattern of operation. Then Paul got more specific by using the phrase “neither of you, nor yet of others.” In a general sense, Paul wasn’t seeking glory from people. And in a specific sense, he wasn’t seeking glory from those he knew personally, including the church members in Thessalonica.

Paul’s statement in verse 6 was what I call a futuristic statement. Paul was saying, “I haven’t sought glory in the past; I’m not seeking glory from you now; and I’m not going to seek glory from anyone else in the future.” Paul simply wasn’t interested in the limelight — in receiving the glory of men.

This is a great test and temptation for anyone who becomes well known. It is a test that must be passed. If having the adulation of men is important to you, it will eventually become a noose that hangs you — as you’ll end up doing or saying anything to get attention and adulation.

Proverbs 29:25 (NKJV) holds a powerful warning to us along this line. It tells us that “the fear of man brings a snare….” Being overly concerned about what people think of us and fearing their possible rejection of us is actually a dangerous trap of the enemy that he uses to try to control us. It will either muzzle and silence us from speaking the truth when necessary, or provoke us to say what people want to hear — instead of the word of the Lord they need to hear.

Either way, seeking adulation and praise from man is a deceptive trap, and the source is fear. And fear always works to nullify faith, which is essential for you to please God! So make sure your goal is always to stay pleasing to the Lord above all else and all others. It’s that pure desire of your heart to please Jesus that will keep you free every day from the trap of seeking praise from men!

AMEN! Being in a public ministry may APPEAR to be glamorous, but there is ALWAYS a side of things that are unseen! No one but the Lord Himself will every REALLY see what effort, work, commitment, prayer and sacrifice goes into what each one of us are called by God to do! The publicly seen 'glamourous' parts are a very small amount of what actually goes into our individual callings, gifts and anointings. Never envy anyone and their gifts, talents and anointings, because HE has anointed YOU perfectly for what He has called you to do! AMEN! Here is Hillsong Live with an older song that speaks to our REAL purpose! To "Shout Your Fame" (meaning JESUS):

Shalom in Him!