Saturday, July 15, 2017


I really like today's "My Utmost For HIs Highest" by Oswald Chambers! It reminds me so much of our precious partners!

Romans 1:14

Paul was overwhelmed with the sense of his indebtedness to Jesus Christ, and he spent himself to express it. The great inspiration in Paul’s life was his view of Jesus Christ as his spiritual creditor. Do I feel that sense of indebtedness to Christ in regard to every unsaved soul? The spiritual honour of my life as a saint is to fulfil my debt to Christ in relation to them. Every bit of my life that is of value I owe to the Redemption of Jesus Christ; am I doing anything to enable Him to bring His Redemption into actual manifestation in other lives? I can only do it as the Spirit of God works in me this sense of indebtedness. I am not to be a superior person amongst men, but a bondslave of the Lord Jesus. “Ye are not your own.” Paul sold himself to Jesus Christ. He says — “I am a debtor to everyone on the face of the earth because of the Gospel of Jesus; I am free to be an absolute slave only.” That is the characteristic of the life when once this point of spiritual honour is realised. Quit praying about yourself and be spent for others as the bondslave of Jesus. That is the meaning of being made broken bread and poured-out wine in reality.

AMEN! Our partners, Jerry and Marilyn O'Dell shared the following statement with us concerning the preaching of the Gospel to the lost, most especially to those who have never heard! I agree 100%! 

"The REASON for the KNOWLEDGE, the [PURPOSE for the POWER and the PLAN for the PROSPERITY, is reaching the lost!"

This IS the genuine heart of Almighty God! HE wants that NONE should perish (end up in the hell of the Bible) (2 Peter 3:9)! Now that YOU know this, you can make the quality decision to put sharing the Gospel right up there as one of your top priorities! AMEN! We can NEVER go wrong when we agree with the Most High God! Let's make our Father rejoice and be proud as we go boldly into the world as carriers of HIS light and HIS life! AMEN! Here is Hillsong UNITED with "Life":

Shalom in Him!