Thursday, October 6, 2016


Today I want to share a portion of  "My Utmost For His Highest" by Oswald Chambers:

When it pleased God…to reveal His Son in me. —Galatians 1:15-16

 If Jesus Christ is to regenerate me, what is the problem He is up against? I have a heredity I had no say in; I am not holy, nor likely to be; and if all Jesus Christ can do is to tell me I must be holy, His teaching plants despair. But if Jesus Christ is a Regenerator, One Who can put into me His own heredity of holiness, then I begin to see what He is driving at when He says that I have to be holy. Redemption means that Jesus Christ can put into any man the hereditary disposition that was in Himself, and all the standards He gives are based on that disposition: His teaching is for the life He puts in. The moral transaction on my part is agreement with God’s verdict on sin in the Cross of Jesus Christ.

What He is saying here is that it is impossible to lead the Christian life, in obedience to the Word of God, unless we truly ARE a Christian! Calling oneself a Christian will not make one a Christian anymore than calling oneself a tree will make one a tree! Going to church will not make one a Christian anymore than sitting in a garage will make one a car! Becoming a Christian is a totally supernatural work of the Spirit of God! He can ONLY do that work when asked to by the prayer of one who recognizes the need for a Savior and, believing that JESUS IS that Savior, asking JESUS to be His Savior and Lord! Once a sinner makes that decision and that request, THEN, and ONLY then, will Holy Spirit BEGIN His good work in that person (2 Corinthians 5:17)! Once Holy Spirit recreates our dead human spirit into a new spirit created in the image of Almighty God Himself, THEN He can continue with His good work of teaching us the Word of God and instructing us in how to put it into practice! Do you see now why it is impossible for an unbeliever to simply DO what the Word says? The unbeliever cannot even understand the Word, let alone put it into practice (1 Corinthians 2:14). The understanding comes only by the Spirit of God, through the Word of God, and only to born again believers! If YOU have never received Jesus as Lord and personal Savior, please pray this prayer with me now! 

Almighty God, I am a sinner. I believe that Jesus Christ came to this earth, died on the cross for me, was raised from the dead, and is now seated at Your right hand. I accept and receive Jesus Christ as my personal Saviour and I invite Him to come into my heart and become Lord over my life. I thank You now Father, for welcoming me into Your family. You are my Father. I am Your child. Jesus is my Lord! Amen.

Now visit our website through the link on the left and let us know where you are so that we can help you find a teaching church (one that actually teaches the Word of God so that you can continue to learn and grow) near you! Also, check out the teaching that is available to you right there! AND, welcome to the family! The family of God, that is! AMEN! Here is Hillsong United with a message for each one of us! Do NOT assume that 'everyone knows already' because a very many of them DO NOT! "Tell The World":

Shalom in Him!