Friday, August 15, 2014


Would you like to erase any doubt that we are living in the last days? Look at 2 Timothy 3:1-5:
1 But understand this, that in the last days will come (set in) perilous times of great stress and trouble [hard to deal with and hard to bear]. For people will be lovers of self and [utterly] self-centered, lovers of money and aroused by an inordinate [greedy] desire for wealth, proud and arrogant and contemptuous boasters. They will be abusive (blasphemous, scoffing), disobedient to parents, ungrateful, unholy and profane. [They will be] without natural [human] affection (callous and inhuman), relentless (admitting of no truce or appeasement); [they will be] slanderers (false accusers, troublemakers), intemperate and loose in morals and conduct, uncontrolled and fierce, haters of good. [They will be] treacherous [betrayers], rash, [and] inflated with self-conceit. [They will be] lovers of sensual pleasures and vain amusements more than and rather than lovers of God. For [although] they hold a form of piety (true religion), they deny and reject and are strangers to the power of it [their conduct belies the genuineness of their profession]. Avoid [all] such people [turn away from them].

Sound familiar? As born again believers we MUST recognize the signs of the times in which we live, BUT, we are NOT to order OUR lives by them! We are to continue to be where God wants us to be, doing what God wants us to do! To do anything less would make us just like these unbelievers! They may be belligerent, but the Bible tells us that "a soft answer turns away wrath" (Proverbs 15:1) and God's Word will NOT return void (Isaiah 55:11)! Keep sowing the seed of God's Word and watering it with prayer and EXPECT to see godly results! AMEN! Refuse the lies the enemy tells when he says that people don't really WANT to hear the Gospel. THEY DO! They may not admit it to YOU, but inside they have a giant hole that they have been trying to fill with anything and everything BUT God! Let the WORD do it's work! AMEN! Here is Hillsong with "Not Ashamed", because it is the Gospel that will set people free! 

Shalom in Him!