Thursday, February 4, 2010


Did you read your Spoken Word Bible Reading plan for today? I hope so! Remember, if you don't have one yet, you can click on the church link to the left and order one there, or you can follow along daily from the home page. You'll be glad you did! Today I want to look first of all at the last 2 verses of Psalm 35:

27Let those who favor my righteous cause and have pleasure in my uprightness shout for joy and be glad and say continually, Let the Lord be magnified, Who takes pleasure in the prosperity of His servant.

28And my tongue shall talk of Your righteousness, rightness, and justice, and of [my reasons for] Your praise all the day long.

It says to "let the Lord be magnified" (Yahweh or Jehovah) be (praised, lifted up, boasted about) who takes pleasure in the "prosperity", the Hebrew word "shalom" which means: safety, health, prosperity, peace, welfare, completeness, soundness, contentment) of His servant! That's us! He delights in our well-being! (Read 3 John 2!) And MY tongue "shall talk" (or speak in the KJV) which is the Hebrew word "hagah", which means: to ponder, to murmur, to imagine, to meditate, to talk, to roar, about my REASONS to praise Him - ALL THE DAY LONG! That's the kind of talking we should be doing MOST! About how GREAT IS OUR GOD! Then when we speak to others, it will be the right kind of talk (Col. 4:6)!

Then in Acts we see Stephen reciting the Word and the unbelievers moved to fury over it. Understand that when people come against YOU for the Gospel's sake, it isn't them, but rather the evil spirits that operate THROUGH them! Suffering persecution for the sake of the Gospel is undeserved suffering and there is great reward in that!

In Genesis we see Jacob reaping some of the harvest of his deceitful seed sown with his father, Isaac! Remember - what you sow is what you WILL reap! Unless, of course, you dig up those bad seeds and replant! I've had to do that before and I'm glad I did! AMEN!

Shalom in Him!