Tuesday, October 16, 2018


Today's "Faith Food" by Kenneth E. Hagin is another very simple and straightforward teaching that is, at the very same time, extremely vital and important! 

Growing Faith

"We are bound to thank God always for you, brethren, as it is meet, because that your faith groweth exceedingly..." (2 Thessalonians 1:3). 

God gets all believers started off equally with the measure of faith after they are born again. He doesn't give one baby Christian more faith than He gives another. After we are born again, however, it is up to each one of us to develop the measure of faith that has been given to us. 

Too many have done with their faith what the fellow did with his one talent: He wrapped it in a napkin, hid it, and didn't use it. 

Your measure of faith can be increased, it can grow. But you are the one who increases it, not God! 

Your measure of faith can be increased by doing these two things: (1) Feeding it on the Word of God, and (2) Exercising it by putting it into practice. 

Confession: God has given me the measure of faith. I will see to it that my faith grows exceedingly. I will feed my faith on the Word of God. I will exercise my faith, I will put it into practice. My faith is growing.
AMEN! Isn't that just like our God? He GIVES us faith, and then tells us exactly what to do with it to increase it, just as much as WE want to! It is easy, fleshly and devilish to continually blame God for the way things turn out in our lives. The TRUTH is, WE are in control of what we get out of the seed that HE has given us! What are YOU doing with the seed of faith and the seed of the Word that has been given to you? THAT will determine just how much of the Word of God you will be able to understand so that you can put it into practice! Let's get busy doing what only WE can do! God has already done His part! AMEN! Here is Hillsong with "Say The Word":

Shalom in Him!