Wednesday, July 5, 2017


Today I want to share parts of three different things I have used in my study and meditation. First of all, from our Spoken Word Bible Reading Plan for today, I read this in Matthew 4:1:

 Then Jesus was led (guided) by the [Holy] Spirit into the wilderness (desert) to be tempted (tested and tried) by the devil.

This occurred right after Jesus was baptized by John and received the infilling of Holy Spirit. He was "endued with power from on high"! You must remember that when JESUS was on the earth, He only ever operated as a man! He set aside His glory as God (though He never stopped BEING God, He never operated as God) when He was born as a human baby. He had to grow up, mature and learn! He was endued with the same Anointing of power at His baptism that was only found, in the Old Testament, upon the prophets, priests and kings. The HUGE difference was that He was born without sin, so that this Anointing could reside IN and UPON Him! (Just as it can and does with every born again, Spirit-filled believer today!). The verse above tells us that JESUS was led by Holy Spirit when He left and went, alone, into the wilderness. He was there for 40 days and endured temptation from the devil. He withstood this temptation with the Word of God and the help of Holy Spirit! WE must learn to withstand temptation in the same way! In order to do this, we must be IN the Word of God and have the Word of God IN us! Then we must BE being filled with Holy Spirit at all times and rely on Him to bring the proper Word at the proper time to deal with the devil and his tricks, strategies, schemes and plots! This brings up another thing that I read from "My Utmost For His Highest" by Oswald Chambers:

Commit thy way unto the Lord; trust also in Him; and He shall bring it to pass. — Psalm 37:5

Don’t calculate without God. 

God seems to have a delightful way of upsetting the things we have calculated on without taking Him into account. We get into circumstances which were not chosen by God, and suddenly we find we have been calculating without God; He has not entered in as a living factor. The one thing that keeps us from the possibility of worrying is bringing God in as the greatest factor in all our calculations.

We should NEVER make decisions, especially major decisions, without FIRST OF ALL spending time in the secret place of His presence! Being continually and consistently led by Holy Spirit will cause us to be able to avoid the pitfalls of the enemy! Remember, TRUE success is being where God wants you to be, doing what God wants you to do! You HAVE the greater ONE living IN you! There is never a good reason to not check in with Him and then be led forth with the peace and joy that can only come from His presence! AMEN! The last thing I want to share comes from "Faith Food" by Kenneth E. Hagin:

Led by the Spirit

"For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God" (Romans 8:14).

 The sons of God can expect to be led by the Spirit of God. Believers can expect to be led, or guided, by the Holy Spirit. Jesus, referring to the time when the Holy Spirit would come, said, "He will guide you." So we don't have to look to man for guidance - that's unscriptural. All of God's children have the Spirit of God within and can expect to be guided by Him. 

In February 1959, Jesus appeared to me in an open vision. I heard His footsteps coming into my hospital room. He sat on a chair by my bed and talked to me for an hour and a half about the ministry of a prophet. One of the things He said was, "The prophet's ministry is not set in the Church to guide members and tell them what to do. Under the Old Covenant, people would go to the prophet to seek advice, or direction, or guidance, because he had the Spirit of God and they didn't. No one under the Old Covenant, except the king, the priest, and the prophet, had the Holy Spirit upon them. The people knew nothing about the Spirit's leading. But under the New Covenant it does not say, 'As many as are led by the prophets, they are the sons of God.' It says, 'As many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God.'"

 Confession: I am a child of God. I can expect to be led by the Spirit of God. He is leading me now.

AMEN! Begin to spend extra time in HIS presence so that HE can lead you in every step on your life! The more that we practice His presence and do His will, the more that it will become so much a part of us that it CAN become just like breathing! We CAN be so aware of His presence that we are carrying on internal conversations with Him all the time. THIS is the only way to move forward in complete confidence that HE has your back! AMEN! Here is Hillsong UNITED with "Not Today":

Shalom in Him!